Friday, March 28, 2014

I Believe I Can Change!

Wayne Cordeiro, in the chapter Believe You Can Change highlights a poem, that has impressed me.  It goes like this:
One ship sails east
and another sails west,
While the selfsame 
breezes blow.
But its the set of the sail
and not the winds
That determines where it will go.
And as the storms rage on,
as we journey through life,
It will be the set of our hearts
that determine where we go,
Not the storms or strife.
Wayne concludes by saying, "Your attitude is the set of your sail."  You and I must choose the direction you want your life to travel and set your heart accordingly. There will be storms, but it will be your attitude towards those storms that drives you in one direction or another, not the storm itself.

A poor attitude in the midst of the storm can cause the storm outside to rage inside for a lifetime.

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