Sunday, October 5, 2014

The School Master!

Chapter 2 in the small book by Ray Comfort about the myth of the Modern Message, was very difficult for me to comprehend! I would recommend every Pastor and Christian with a passion for Evangelism to delve into this message of this shattering publication.

I want to excerpt a paragraph by Martyn Lloyd-Jones on of the most influential preachers of the twentieth century,

"There is not true evangelism without the doctirne of sin, ad without an understanding of what sin is.  I do not want to be unfair, but I say that a gospel which merely says, "Come to Jesus," and offers Him as a Friend, and offers a marvelous new life, without convicting of sin, is not New Testament evangelism. The essence of evangelism is to start by preaching the Law; and it is because the Law has not been preached that e have had so much superficial evangelism.  True evangelism... must always start by preaching the Law."

Hmmmh! Think about that!
