Saturday, December 28, 2013

This Has Been Said About Pastors!

And someone described the situation this way:
If the pastor is young, they say he lacks experience;
If his hair is gray, he's too old for the young people.
If he has five or six children, he has too many;
If he has none, he's setting a bad example.
If he preaches from notes, he has canned sermons and is dry;
If his messages are extemporaneous, he isn't deep enough.
If he caters to the poor in the church, he's playing to the grandstand;
If he pays attention to the wealthy, he's trying to be an aristocrat.
If he uses too many illustrations, he's neglecting the Bible;
If he doesn't include stories, he isn't clear.
If he condemns wrong, he's cranky;
If he doesn't preach against sin, they claim he is a compromiser.
If he preaches the truth, he's too offensive;
If he doesn't present the "whole counsel of God", he's a hypocrite.
If he fails to please everybody, he's hurting the church and should leave;
If he does make them all happy, he has no convictions.
If he drives an old car, he shames the congregation;
If he buys a new one, he's setting his affections on earthly things.
If he preaches all the time, the congregation gets tired of hearing just one man;
If he invites guest ministers, he's shirking his responsibility as pastor.
If he receives a large salary, he's mercenary;
If he gets a small one - well, then they say it proves he isn't worth much anyway.

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