Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Of The Holy Spirit In Biblical Exegesis

It is precisely at this point that I believe the Holy Spirit performs a crucial role in the
exegetical process for the reliant believer. He does not whisper in our ears the meaning of
a text. He cares about the text which he inspired and does not short circuit the study of it.
The primary work of the Holy Spirit in exegesis is to abolish the pride and arrogance that
keep us from being open to the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit makes us teachable because
he makes us humble. He causes us to rely wholly on the mercy of God in Christ for our
happiness so that we are not threatened if one of our views is found to be wrong. The
person who knows himself finite and unworthy, and who thus rejoices in the mercy of
God, has nothing to lose when his ego is threatened. - John Piper
Biblical Exegesis: Discovering the Original Meaning of Scriptural Texts

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