Saturday, August 28, 2010

Why Do People Accumulate Wealth?

Tomorrow's Financial Management Seminar at MKBC has prompted me to share with you some thoughts from Larry Burketts's  book Your Finances In Changing Times.  To answer the question Larry mentions that some people accumulate wealth for the following reasons:
    Biblical Financial Study, Collegiate Edition
  1. Others Advice It - Simply because someone else advices them to do so. They do not have any clear personal plans or goals. They neither have short-term or long-term plans. - Proverbs 15:22;18:15
  2. Envy Of Others - These fall in the trap of, "Keeping up with the Joneses" Advertising promotes this attitude, but God doesn't - Luke 12:15
  3. Game of Money- Many people accumulate money as a game; they match themselves against others relentlessly.
  4. Self-esteem - Those who accumulate money for self-esteem do so that others might envy them.  This is a worldly motive, yet it characterizes many Christians.
  5. The Love of Money - Those who love money and wouldn't part with it for anything - not even for esteem. Their lives are characterized by hoarding and abasement. Luke 9:25
  6. Protection - People accumulate money for protection. On the surface this sounds proper; certainly we need to protect ourselves, don't we? 
  7. A Spiritual Gift - The is only one reason that God supplies a surplus of wealth to a Christian - so he will have enough to provide for the needs of others. 2 Corinthians 9:11; Proverbs 30:8-9

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