Here are good words that encourage confidence in our sovereign God.
“We know that all things work together for good, to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
“All the afflictions, and all the temptations, and all the oppressions, and all the oppositions, and all the persecutions which befall a godly man, shall work for his good. Every cross, and every loss, and every disease which befall the holy man, shall work for his good. Every device, every snare, every deceit, every stratagem, and every enterprise of Satan against the holy man, shall work for his good. Every prosperity and every adversity; every storm and every calm; every bitter and every sweet; every cross and every comfort—shall work for the holy man’s good.
When God gives a mercy—that shall work for his good. When God takes away a mercy—that shall work for his good.
O Christian! What though friends and relations frown upon you, what though enemies are plotting and conspiring against you, what though needs, like armed men, are breaking in upon you, what though men rage, and devils roar against you, what though sickness is devastating your family, what though death stands every day at your elbow—yet there is no reason for you to fear nor faint, because all these things shall work for your good!”
—Thomas Brooks, “The Crown and Glory of Christianity, or, Holiness, the Only Way to Happiness“
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